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Worship Services

We are a traditional Christian Church. Our services are reverent and orderly. We teach and preach expository messages from the Bible, the Word of God. We invite the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts each week and do His work within us. If you are looking for worship that is time-tested, glorifies God, and builds up believers, you will appreciate our thoughtful, reflective, mainline style of worship.  
Havens Corners Church Blacklick David Allison image images sign
Sunday Worship


Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 A.M. for reverent, reflective worship.


View Scripture readings and lyrics on our overhead screens. Enjoy traditional church music! We feature piano, organ, choir, and congregational singing. Our services are inspiring with a cathedral-like atmosphere in worship.


Sermons explain the Scriptures and focus on the Christian life. Join us for worship! Experience a God who loves you and wants the best for you. Move forward in your faith. 

Havens Corners Church Blacklick David Allison image images sign
Junior Church


Children are welcome here! Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me!" 


We provide a kind, caring Senior Nursery Worker to teach children about the Bible as you worship. The nursery is also equipped for you to be with your child the entire time while listening to the service remotely.  


Children ages 5-11 are invited to attend "Junior Church" while their parents worship in the sanctuary.

Havens Corners Church Blacklick David Allison image images sign
Bible Study 


Join us Wednesdays at 6:00 P.M. for a friendly small group that digs deep into God's Word.


Coffee and snacks are provided. Share your prayer requests, encourage others, and be encouraged. Grow in your faith and discipleship. Make friends! Get to know good people. Listen and be listened to. Share your struggles and stories.


Come and be a part of what is God is doing in us and among us!

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